What is the best vitamin for stiff joints?

Supplements like Instaflex are becoming increasingly popular as a growing number of people start to take their joint health more seriously. An ageing population coupled with a much stronger interest in sports and outdoor activities has created huge demand for supplements that help keep you active, mobile, and fully functioning as you get older. Hence why Instaflex has become so widely used in the US.

But what is the best vitamin for stiff joints?

Stiffness is, after all, the main issue that people usually have with their joints.

Is there a vitamin that can cure stiff joints?

Let’s find out.


Supplements for stiff joints

Which is the best vitamin for stiff joints?

The answer is: none of them!

If you are looking for a supplement to help with stuff joints, then forget about vitamins.

Vitamins are vital nutrients. The human body can survive for a long time without food so long as water, salts, and vitamins are taken care of.

However, no vitamin is thought to have a significant or meaningful effect on joint health or function. That includes stiffness. Put another way, there is no vitamin you can take which is going to help loosen up your stiff joints, reduce pain, or promote joint health going forward.

However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t substances capable of helping with stiff joints.

There are several natural substances known to have a dramatic effect on joint health and motility.

For example, glucosamine promotes maintenance and repair of your connective tissues. It also helps maintain healthy levels of protective fluids in between your connective tissues and your bones at the joints.

Reducing inflammation would also dramatically improve joint stiffness. Something like a high-curcumin turmeric supplement would quickly lower inflammation at the joints, improving motility and reducing stiffness.

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How can I build cartilage in my knee naturally?

Perhaps the most common question that gets asked on our Instaflex review is “how can I build knee cartilage naturally?”.

Cartilage is a very important connective tissue. It is an elastic tissue which covers the ends of all of your large bones at the joints, effectively keeping your bones from rubbing against one another. It is also a structural component of various body parts, including your rib cage, nose, and parts of your spine.

Anyone who has ever had a problem with cartilage being worn away knows how important it is; a loss of cartilage at any joint can lead to excruciating pain and severely reduced mobility.

That’s why questions about building or rebuilding cartilage are so common – people with worn away cartilage will do anything to promote its regrowth.

So is it possible to build new cartilage?

How do you protect your cartilage from damage? 

Can you promote the regrowth of cartilage at damaged joints?

Let’s find out!


Building new cartilage

The body cannot easily rebuild cartilage. It is just not a process that the human body is capable of; for most people, severe cartilage damage is a lifelong sentence.

That said, it is certainly possible to assuage some of the worst effects of damaged cartilage.

It is also perfectly possible to protect your cartilage and your overall joint health through targeted nutritional interventions and lifestyle changes.

Here are some of the most effective ways to protect cartilage and promote healthy joint function over the long-term:

  1. Consume anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and olive oil
  2. Take natural supplements known to protect joints from degradation, such as Boswellia serrata
  3. Avoid high impact activity like jujitsu or bodybuilding
  4.  Stretch regularly
  5. Avoid pro-inflammatory substances (e.g. pollutants, alcohol, etc)
  6. Try to limit stress
  7. Get as much high quality sleep as possible

Follow these steps and you hopefully wont need to worry about building cartilage at your knee.

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Is turmeric better than glucosamine?

Read our Instaflex review and you’ll see that the main ingredient is turmeric. There is very good reason for this; turmeric is an extremely beneficial plant when it comes to reducing joint pain, especially joint pain caused by inflammation.

You will have also noticed if you’ve been browsing joint supplements that turmeric is often paired with glucosamine.

Is glucosamine a good alternative to turmeric? Or should you use both?

Is turmeric better than glucosamine?

Let’s find out. First, we’ll look at turmeric, what it is, and how it reduces joint pain. Then we’ll look at glucosamine and see why it is in so many joint health supplements.


Turmeric and joint inflammation

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. As inflammation is one of the primary causes of joint pain, reducing systemic inflammation (i.e. body wide inflammation) is a good way to ease joint pain.

Inflammatory joint pain can be due to a wide variety of factors. Some people have genetic conditions which makes them predisposed to inflammation. An example with this would be rheumatoid arthritis, which basically causes your joints to be constantly inflamed.

People who do a lot of high impact sport will also invariably find that they experience inflammatory joint pain on a regular basis. The constant pressure exerted on the joints, be it from hitting against a pavement, holding heavy weights, or just repeating a motion over and over again, will gradually irritate and inflame the joints, causing joint pain.

Then there are people who live a very inflammatory lifestyle, which ultimately causes chronic joint pain over the long-term. Be it very heavy drinking, exposure to pollutants, chronic stress, lingering infection, or a pro-inflammatory diet, having systemic inflammation will eventually take a toll on the joints.

This is where turmeric becomes extremely useful.

Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin. This has been shown in clinical trial after clinical trial to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects when consumed by humans. Sufficiently large doses of curcumin will reduce systemic inflammation, including inflammation at the joints. In doing so, it greatly reduces joint pain regardless of the exact reason for the inflammation.

So what about glucosamine?


Glucosamine and joint health

Glucosamine is an amino sugar. It is an extremely important constituent of many of your connective tissues, including cartilage and the synovial fluids that surround your joints.

Supplementing with glucosamine has been shown in clinical trials to promote the repair of damaged connective tissues, and to support the healthy maintenance of your joints going forward.

It is actually difficult to get the body to repair damaged cartilage, and there are very few ways to actively strengthen the protective fluids that keep your joints safe. Simply consuming cartilage isn’t a good option, as the body cannot absorb it and it passes through the digestive system unused.

Glucosamine offers a simple, safe and extremely reliable way to bolster your connective tissues and protect your joints going forward.


Turmeric versus glucosamine

It should be obvious to you now that turmeric and glucosamine have very different effects on the body, and on your joints.

So which is better?

Is turmeric better than glucosamine?

No, because they don’t do the same things. It makes no sense to compare turmeric and glucosamine. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, while glucosamine promotes the maintenance and repair of connective tissues.

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Are digestive enzymes safe?

There are dozens of digestive enzymes on the market right now, like Nucific Bio X4 and similar stacks. With millions of people using digestive enzyme supplements every single day, it’s worth asking – are digestive enzymes safe?

After all, as they are available without prescription from any supplement store, there are no doubt many people who are using powerful probiotic supplements on a daily basis. It’s unlikely that most of these frequent users have fully researched the potential dangers and side effects associated with the use of digestive enzymes.

What are digestive enzymes?

Are digestive enzymes safe?

What are the main side effect risks and how can you avoid them?

Let’s find out together!


What are digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are enzymes involved in breaking down food into its constituent parts.

For example, your pancreas produces an enzyme called lipase. Lipase hydrolyses fats, breaking them down into fatty acids which can then be used for energy.

Digestive enzyme supplements deliver powdered forms of digestive enzymes which support healthy digestion. Different supplements might provide different enzymes depending on what they want to achieve (e.g. lipase to encourage fat metabolism, proteases for protein, etc.).


Digestive enzymes side effects

Generally speaking, digestive enzymes are safe and well tolerated. Few people experience severe adverse reactions to commonly used digestive enzymes. When used correctly, digestive enzymes supplements are also highly unlikely to cause side effects.

That said, it is certainly possible (and not unheard of) for people to experience some side effects while using digestive enzymes.

Common side effects from probiotics and digestive enzyme complexes include:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

Generally speaking, side effects from digestive enzymes are transient and mild.They can, however, be exacerbated by things like diet, physical condition, alcohol intake, and so on. Make sure you do your research properly before using any digestive enzymes or probiotics. Talk to a medical doctor if you have any questions. This is not medical advice, and we are not doctors!

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Should I take probiotics in the morning or at night?

If you’ve read our Bio X4 review, then you’re probably considering taking a probiotic. Whether you want to start using a probiotic to help ease digestive issues, to try to keep your weight under control, or to simply promote good digestive health, you should try to use high quality probiotics in the right way.

So how do you use probiotics properly?

When is the best time to take a probiotic?

Should you take a probiotic on an empty stomach? Should you take it first thing in the morning or last thing at night?

Let’s find out!


When is the best time to take a probiotic?

Should you take a probiotic in the morning or at night? Do you need to take it with food? When is the best time to take a gut health supplement?

Here’s the answer. To get the greatest benefit from probiotics, you need to be using the on a daily basis. Ideally, you should be taking a probiotic at the same time each day before food. The exact time isn’t important; just do what works for you. Whether you prefer to take it first thing in the morning before breakfast, or just before a snack close to bedtime, it doesn’t really make a difference.

The benefits of probiotics are long-term. They don’t have immediate, short-term effects. They work by re-balancing your gut microbiome; they create a hospitable environment for healthy gut bacteria, and an unwelcoming environment for harmful bacteria. So the exact time you take them is unimportant – just take them consistently with food.

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Does Caralluma Fimbriata really work?

If you’re looking for information on Caralluma Fimbriata, then you’ve probably just read our Nucific Bio X4 review. C. Fimbriata is one of the primary ingredients in Bio X4. It is one of the ingredients which distinguishes Bio X4 from other probiotics. As those of you who have read our full review will know, Bio X4 is sold as a weight management supplement as well as a probiotic; it is the inclusion of C. Fimbriata and Green tea Extract which supposedly allows it to do both of these things at once.

But can Nucific’s claims hold water? 

Does Caralluma Fimbriata really work?

Let’s take a look at the available scientific evidence to see whether or not this substance can actually do what it claims.


Clinical trials on C. Fimbriata

There have actually been relatively few studies done on C. Fimbriata, let alone many studies showing positive results.

The main study quoted in support of the use of caralluma fimrbiata as a weight loss aid is a trial published in Appetite in 2007. However, if you actually read this study, you’ll see that only 50 subjects were used, half of which were given a placebo. We are told nothing about how the different groups ate or exercised during the experiment. And to top it off, the researchers note that there was little difference between the “experimental group” (those given C. Fimbriata) and the placebo group in terms of weight lost, waist circumference, etc.

The study did find that C. Fimbriata was effective at suppressing appetite.

However, as already mentioned, the study group was very small. More importantly, their eating habits weren’t controlled for the duration of the study. We therefore can’t be certain whether the caralluma fimbriata was responsible for the reduced appetite, or other factors (e.g. fiber intake).

There are lots of supplements on the market today which claim to be appetite supressants. Caralluma fimbriata is one of many that are yet to be properly tested in robust, large scale clinical trials.

So does C. Fimbriata really work?

Not in our opinion. Until we see a clinical trial with more test subjects and a higher quality methodology, we’re not convinced!

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Is there a pill to improve memory?

Many Mind Lab Pro users originally tried the nootropic stack for its ability to promote memory recall and retention. Today, Mind Lab Pro is one of the most widely-used nootropic supplements in the world. If you look at user reviews, it’s clear that the main reason people keep using it for weeks and months is because it really does help keep your memory sharp over the long-term.

But many biohackers remain skeptical about the idea that you can improve your memory with natural substances.

Is there really a pill to improve memory?

How do memory pills work?

Let’s take a look at some of the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro to see just how much of an effect natural nootropics can have on memory function.


Natural memory enhancers

Is there a pill to improve memory function?

The short answer to that is: YES!

In fact, there are several “pills” – or supplements to be more accurate – that can dramatically improve memory function both in the short and near term.

Instead of looking at particular supplements that can improve memory, it’s better to look at some individual substances which have been proven to enhance memory.

Here are the top natural memory supplements:

  • Bacopa monnieri has been shown in numerous clinical trials to significantly improve scores in memory tests after 6-12 weeks of supplementation. Interestingly, the benefits of Bacopa monnieri supplementation seem to be most pronounced in older people and those experiencing mild cognitive decline (although it cannot treat severe cognitive decline). Bacopa monnieri works by promoting dendrite branching between neurons
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom is an incredible nootropic and a phenomenal memory enhancer. Lion’s Mane consumption increases levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the brain. Higher levels of BDNF are associated with improvements in a number of different measures of cognitive function, from learning capacity and focus to mood and even sleep quality. Importantly for us, higher BDNF levels are correlated with significantly better memory function over the long-term

If your main concern is retaining good memory function – or even pushing your memory function over and above your natural limits – then you should look for a supplement that provides a good dose of both of these natural memory boosters.

So is there a pill for improving memory?

Yes, if that pill contains a good dose of Bacopa monnieri and Lion’s Mane Mushroom!

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Are nootropics safe?

A common comment we see left on Mind Lab Pro reviews is “are nootropics safe?” – this makes perfect sense, as safety is usually the top priority for intelligent consumers, particularly given the many supplement scams that have come to light over the last few years.

On top of that, there is the problem created by the synthetic brain drugs. Because substances like Adderall and Modafinil are known to cause quite severe side effects, people sometimes assume that all nootropics can cause similar side effects or long term health problems.

But this isn’t the case.

Natural nootropic supplements are nothing like synthetic brain drugs. Most natural brain supplements are purposefully designed to offer a safer, side effect-free alternative to pharmceutical-grade nootropics.

So just how safe are nootropics? Are they dangerous? Will they cause side effects? What are the main safety concerns? Let’s find out!


Are natural nootropics dangerous?

The best natural nootropic supplements on sale today are generally very safe. Users are highly unlikely to experience any side effects at all while using the kind of natural nootropics that we write about on this site.

The reason for this is simple; the leading nootropic supplements today use herbal extracts, naturally-derived concentrates, amino acids, and other substances found in nature to deliver their benefits.

So while you’re using the best nootropics, you’re consuming substances that you could theoretically consume in your regular diet anyway. The idea is just that they have been concentrated, their useful components extracted and amplified, and stacked carefully with other ingredients so as to pack the biggest punch.

So are nootropics safe?

Obviously this depends on the brain supplement in question.

Some nootropics on sale right now are far from safe. They contain synthetic stimulants, far too much caffeine, and dangerous psychoactives. Many manufacturers – cynical manufacturers – rely on making people feel like they’re more focused by plying them with drugs.

However, if you’re talking genuinely high quality natural nootropics, then yes nootropics are safe for the vast majority of people.

You still need to talk to a qualified health professional before using any brain supplements. Do your research carefully. Whether or not  focus supplement is safe depends on the formula in question.

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Are nootropics addictive?

A common question we get asked on our Mind Lab Pro review is if nootropics are addictive. This is easily one of the most frequently asked questions on nootropics forums, and it is probably one of the most common questions that nootropic manufacturers receive from potential customers.

So, we’re going to examine this question in a little more detail.

Are nooropics addictive?

Can any nootropics be said to be addictive?

What about natural brain supplements? Are they addictive?

Let’s look at some examples of different nootropics and see if any of them can be said to be addictive.


Nootropics & addiction

Are any nootropics addictive?

That very much depends on what you class as a “nootropic”.

There are some pharmaceutical-grade drugs which are often referred to as nootropics. These include Adderall, Modafinil, and Aniracetam.

Now, as you can imagine, things like Adderall can become quite addictive (what with it being a blend of amphetamine salts). People who use Adderall on a regular basis do find that they feel a little “off baseline” when they’re not taking it. They feel the need to constantly be “dosed up”, or else they start to feel sluggish, tired, and distracted.

This is true even if people aren’t taking Adderall to treat a condition like ADHD (recreational Adderall use is actually extremely common). We routinely see people saying that Adderall eventually became something they couldn’t work, study, or even socialise without!

So in a sense, yes nootropics can be addictive.

However, as we said, this depends on what you class as a nootropic.

The original use of the word “nootropic” excluded anything that could cause long-term neurological harm or serious side effects. Under that definition, substances like Adderall would be very much out!

So what about natural nootropics?


Are natural nootropics addictive?

Natural nootropics are usually designed to be a safer, less side effect-prone version of artificial, pharmaceutical-grade study drugs.

As such, they do not typically come with the same adverse effects.

A good quality natural nootropic will not come with the same side effect risks as a synthetic study drug.

A high quality natural nootropic supplement will also be very unlikely to cause addiction.

The best brain supplements on sale today generally don’t have enough of a “punch” to get you addicted. They should be low in stimulants, and their effects should really be more subtle and long term than pronounced and immediate.

As such, natural nootropics are not normally addictive in any way.

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Who should not take probiotics?

Even the best probiotic for men isn’t necessarily the right supplement for everybody. There are some people who don’t need to take probiotics at all. In our opinion, that is actually the vast majority of people. Beyond that, there are a small number of people who shouldn’t take probiotics at all; it isn’t that they don’t need them, it’s that they might harm them!

So who shouldn’t take a probiotic?

The people who should not take a probiotic are:

  • People with serious digestive discomfort (unless told to by their doctor)
  • People with chronic digestive problems
  • People who currently have infections
  • People currently being treated for a bacterial or fungal infection
  • People who are already taking supplements or medication designed to improve digestion

If any of these apply to you, then we strongly recommend that you get proper medical advice from a qualified doctor before you use any probiotics at all.

The chances of experiencing serious adverse effects are significantly higher if you fall into any of the categories above.

Although probiotics are typically very safe for the vast majority of people, when they do cause side effects, these side effects can be severe.


Probiotic side effects & health risks

So what are the side effects of taking probiotics? What will happen if people who should not take probiotics do take them?

The main risk with taking a probiotic is that it will worsen whatever digestive problems you are currently experiencing.

If you are currently having problems with bloating, indigestion, cramps, or nutrient absorption, any number of things could be the cause. The likely candidate is a disrupted gut microbiome, but there are other candidates.

There could be an infection of some kind.

There could be an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria.

The issue might be caused by a range of issues requiring proper testing and serious medical intervention.

So it’s important that you don’t rush in and start making the problem exponentially worse by introducing exogenous bacteria species to an already distressed digestive system.

The common side effects of probiotics (when used incorrectly, or by the wrong people), include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Severe stomach cramps
  • Worsening symptoms of IBS
  • Worsening of a stomach infection or bacterial imbalance

Because consuming probiotics involves taking in foreign bacteria species, there is always an element of risk involved. Get medical advice before you do anything!

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